Hello Fred Stluka

Thank you for detailed document.

I resolved syncdb in Windows OS.
My SQL Server setting was something wrong.

I will try Linux edition also.

2014年12月12日金曜日 3時03分35秒 UTC+9 Fred Stluka:
>  Sugita,
> Django does work with MS SQL Server, but not as well as with 
> other DBs.  I have to use it because I'm interacting with on old
> legacy DB, but I'm gradually migrating everything to MySQL.
> To connect to MS SQL Server, from Mac, Linux and Windows,
> I use the following settings:
> #######################################################
>     'cf': {
>         'ENGINE'    : 'django.db.backends.sql_server.pyodbc',
>         'NAME'      : 'my_db_name',
>         'USER'      : 'my_username',
>         'PASSWORD'  : 'my_password',
>         # ODBC DSN defined in /etc/freetds.conf or in 
> /usr/local/etc/freetds.conf
>         'HOST'      : 'my_dns_name',
>         # Ignored for Windows; Required for Linux
>         'OPTIONS'   : {
>             # ODBC driver name in /etc/odbcinst.ini or in /usr/local/etc
>             'driver': 'SQL Server',
>             # NOTE: dsn option is added dynamically later, for Windows,
>         },
>     },
> }
> # The ODBC DSN name specified above as DATABASES.cf.HOST is ignored on
> # Windows, where it must be specified as DATABASES.cf.OPTIONS.dsn instead.
> # However, we haven't found a way to make DATABASES.cf.OPTIONS.dsn work in
> # Linux (and probably the same for Mac).  It causes the error:
> #    Data source name not found, and no default driver specified 
> # Therefore we add it here, but only for Windows.
> #
> # On 64-bit Windows, with our current 32-bit version of pyodbc, the DSN
> # must be created via:
> #    C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
> # instead of the regular "ODBC Data Sources" app in Control Panel, which 
> # invokes:
> #    C:\Windows\system32\odbcad32.exe
> #
> if os.name == 'nt':      # Windows
>     DATABASES['cf']['OPTIONS']['dsn'] = 'my_dns_name'
> #######################################################
> To make this work, I had to install and configure the unixodbc 
> and freetds libraries, as well as pyodbc, and django-pyodbc.
> Here are excerpt from my notes, about the long and torturous
> path we took:
> #######################################################
> ## Install non-Python ODBC libraries and tools
> ### Install unixODBC
> Mac:
>     $ brew install unixodbc
> The `odbcinst.ini` file ends up in `/usr/local/etc/`.
> Linux:
>     $ sudo apt-get install unixodbc-dev  # Ubuntu and Debian
>     $ sudo yum -y install unixODBC-devel # CentOS, RedHat, and Fedora
> The `odbcinst.ini` file ends up in `/etc/`.
> ### Install FreeTDS
> Mac:
>     $ brew install freetds --with-unixodbc
> Note that the `freetds.conf` file ends up in `/usr/local/etc/freetds.conf`.
> Installing this Homebrew package also provides the `tsql` command, which
> can be useful for testing.
> Linux:
> This package is typically available via the Linux package manager.
> For Ubuntu and Debian:
>     $ sudo apt-get install freetds-dev tdsodbc
> The `freetds.conf` file ends up in `/etc/freetds/`. If you need the
> `tsql` program (useful for testing), you also need the `freetds-bin` 
> package:
>     $ sudo apt-get install freetds-bin
> On CentOS (and, presumably, Fedora and RedHat):
>     $ sudo yum -y install freetds-devel
> The `freetds.conf` file ends up in `/etc/`.
> ### Configure unixODBC and FreeTDS
> This blog post provides a good overview of the process:
> <http://lbolla.info/blog/2013/08/28/python-and-odbc> 
> <http://lbolla.info/blog/2013/08/28/python-and-odbc>
> (NOTE: Those instructions talk about setting up a `$HOME/.odbcinst.ini`.
> That file does not appear to be necessary.)
> Find your `odbcinst.ini` file (see the section, above, on installing
> `unixODBC`), and make its contents look like this.
>     [SQL Server]
>     Description             = FreeTDS MSSQL
>     # If you're on Linux, uncomment the following settings.
>     #Driver                  = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libtdsodbc.so
>     #Driver64                = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libtdsodbc.so
>     #Setup                   = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libtdsS.so
>     #Setup64                 = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libtdsS.so
>     # Mac settings
>     Driver                  = /usr/local/lib/libtdsodbc.so
>     Driver64                = /usr/local/lib/libtdsodbc.so
>     UsageCount              = 2
>     CPTimeout               =
>     CPTimeToLive            =
>     DisableGetFunctions     =
>     DontDLCLose             =
>     ExFetchMapping          =
>     Threading               =
>     FakeUnicode             =
>     IconvEncoding           =
>     Trace                   =
>     TraceFile               =
>     TraceLibrary            =
> NOTE: The blog post uses a section name of "FreeTDS". However, for the HHL
> Django app, the section name _must_ be "SQL Server", _not_ "FreeTDS". The
> section name defines the name of the driver, and the Django app uses the
> string "SQL Server" for the driver name.
> Next, add this section to your `freetds.conf` file (see the section,
> above, on installing FreeTDS, for the location on your operation system):
>     :::ini
>     [my_dns_name]
>         host = my_db_server_name
>         port = my_db_server_port_number
>         tds version = 7.0
> ### Confirm the FreeTDS configuration
>     tsql -S my_dns_name -D my_db_name -U my_username
>     Password:
>     locale is "en_US.UTF-8"
>     locale charset is "UTF-8"
>     using default charset "UTF-8"
>     Default database being set to my_db_name
>     1>
> ## Install pyodbc for Mac
> 2014-07-16 - Fred and Jim found new information for Max OS X
> from:  
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20074620/installing-pyodbc-fails-on-osx-10-9-mavericks
> OSX Mavericks dropped sql headers that are required for pyodbc compilation.
> Following these steps allowed me to install pyodbc:
> 1. Install the iODBC library  (http://www.iodbc.org/)
>     1. Download tar file from website, libiodbc-3.52.9.tar
>     2. Extract iODBC sources from the tar file.  We extracted into 
> directory
>        /Users/jim/Downloads/libiodbc-3.52.9
> 2. Run pip install --allow-external pyodbc --allow-unverified pyodbc 
> --no-install pyodbc
> 3. cd [VIRTUAL_ENV]/build/pyodbc
> 4. Run  python setup.py build_ext 
> --include-dirs=/Users/jim/Downloads/libiodbc-3.52.9/include/
> 5. Run pip install --no-download pyodbc
> #### Mac OS X note
> The `pyodbc` package that _pip_ installs uses iODBC by default. We want it
> to use `unixODBC`, instead, for a couple reasons.
> * First, there are numerous sites on the Internet that make claims such as
>   "iODBC is a slightly less desirable ODBC manager than unixODBC"
>   (
> http://www.cerebralmastication.com/2013/01/installing-debugging-odbc-on-mac-os-x/
> ).
>   More people _seem_ to have better luck with `unixODBC`.
> * Second, we're using `unixODBC` on Linux, and the configuration is already
>   complicated enough. So, why not just use the same approach on both 
> platforms?
> To get `pyodbc` to use `unixODBC` on the mac, you have to build it from 
> source,
> and you have to hack the `setup.py`. Here's how to do it.
>     $ . ~/pythons/hhl/bin/activate
>     $ cd /tmp
>     $ git clone https://code.google.com/p/pyodbc
>     $ cd pyodbc
>     $ patch </path/to/your/checked/out/hhl/patches/pyodbc1.patch
>     $ pip uninstall pyodbc
>     $ python setup.py install
> ## Install the SQL Server ODBC backend
> `pip install` does not completely install the SQL Server ODBC backend, so
> there's one more manual step. You must manually copy some software within
> your Python virtual environment.
>     $ cd ~/pythons/hhl/lib/python2.7/site-packages
>     $ cp -r ../../../src/sql-server.pyodbc/sql_server django/db/backends
> ## Verify that Python can get to the SQL Server database
> At this point, you should be able to open a connection to the HHL test
> SQL Server database as follows:
>     $ python
>     Python 2.7.5+ (default, Sep 19 2013, 13:48:49)
>     [GCC 4.8.1] on linux2
>     Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>     >>> import pyodbc
>     >>> conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER=SQL Server;'
>                               'SERVER=my_db_server_name'
>                               'PORT=my_db_server_port_number;'
>                               'DATABASE=my_db_name;'
>                               'UID=my_username;'
>                               'PWD=my_password')
>     >>> conn
>     <pyodbc.Connection object at 0x7f6df62d5f80>
> #######################################################
> Hope this helps!
> --Fred 
> ------------------------------
> Fred Stluka -- mailt...@bristle.com <javascript:> -- 
> http://bristle.com/~fred/ 
> Bristle Software, Inc -- http://bristle.com -- Glad to be of service! 
> Open Source: Without walls and fences, we need no Windows or Gates. 
> ------------------------------
>  On 12/10/14 11:58 AM, pythonista wrote:
> I can actually help you here. 
>  I had the same problem and tried 4 different modules.
> The only module that works with sql server is 
>  https://github.com/michiya/django-pyodbc-azure
>  I am running it both on windows and linux, simultaneously.
>  The settings components are displayed on the web site.
>  Works like a charm
>  One dependency is pyodbc to be installed.
> On Wednesday, December 10, 2014 4:22:44 AM UTC-5, Sugita Shinsuke wrote: 
>>  Hi there.
>> Could you tell me a good way to use Django with Micro Soft DB SQL server. I 
>> tried django_pyodbc. Any suggestion is appreciated.
>> my PC of Environment is below.
>> Database:
>> SQL Server 2014 Express
>> OS:
>> Windows 7 Home Premium SP1
>> I used the django module, django_pyodbc.
>> And, I tried to run syncdb but I couldn't.
>> My settings.py is below.
>>    'default': {
>>        'ENGINE': "django_pyodbc",
>>        'HOST': "localhost",
>>        'USER': "djangouser",
>>        'PASSWORD': "xxxxx",
>>        'NAME': "db_test",
>>        'OPTIONS': {
>>             'host_is_server': True,
>>             'autocommit': True,
>>             'unicode_results': True,
>>             'extra_params': 'tds_version=8.0'
>>         },
>>    }
>> }
>> Things I tried and did not work:
>> 1,change "localhost" to ",1433" in the HOST property of the code.
>> 2,removed 'OPTIONS'.
>> However, I tried the module pyodbc of pure python like below. It was fine.
>> ---
>> conn = pyodbc.connect('driver={SQL 
>> Server};server=localhost;UID=djangouser;PWD=xxxxx;DATABASE=shannon_test;Trusted_Connection=yes')
>> ---
>> But, DB connection is not established without "Trusted_Connection=yes".
>> At least I do not know any other way. Anyone who know this matter, please 
>> help.
>> The error message is here.
>> ----
>> pyodbc.ProgrammingError: ('42000', '[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server 
>> Driver][ SQL 
>> Server]\x82\xb1\x82\xcc\x83\x8d\x83O\x83C\x83\x93\x82\xc5\x97v\x8b\x81\x82\x 
>> b3\x82\xea\x82\xbd\x83f\x81[\x83^\x83x\x81[\x83X "shannon_test" 
>> \x82\xf0\x8aJ\x8 
>> 2\xaf\x82\xdc\x82\xb9\x82\xf1\x81B\x83\x8d\x83O\x83C\x83\x93\x82\xc9\x8e\xb8\x94
>> s\x82\xb5\x82\xdc\x82\xb5\x82\xbd\x81B (4060) (SQLDriverConnect); [01S00] 
>> [Micro soft][ODBC SQL Server 
>> Driver]\x90\xda\x91\xb1\x95\xb6\x8e\x9a\x97\xf1\x82\xcc\x9 
>> 1\xae\x90\xab\x82\xaa\x90\xb3\x82\xb5\x82\xad\x82\xa0\x82\xe8\x82\xdc\x82\xb9\x8
>> 2\xf1\x81B (0); [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL 
>> Server]\x82\xb1\ 
>> x82\xcc\x83\x8d\x83O\x83C\x83\x93\x82\xc5\x97v\x8b\x81\x82\xb3\x82\xea\x82\xbd\x
>> 83f\x81[\x83^\x83x\x81[\x83X "shannon_test" 
>> \x82\xf0\x8aJ\x82\xaf\x82\xdc\x82\xb 
>> 9\x82\xf1\x81B\x83\x8d\x83O\x83C\x83\x93\x82\xc9\x8e\xb8\x94s\x82\xb5\x82\xdc\x8
>> 2\xb5\x82\xbd\x81B (4060); [01S00] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server 
>> Driver]\x90\xda\x 
>> 91\xb1\x95\xb6\x8e\x9a\x97\xf1\x82\xcc\x91\xae\x90\xab\x82\xaa\x90\xb3\x82\xb5\x
>> 82\xad\x82\xa0\x82\xe8\x82\xdc\x82\xb9\x82\xf1\x81B (0)') ---- 
>>    -- 
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