On 10/18/06, Stefán Freyr Stefánsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm creating a web application that monitors information on distributed
> computers. This information (which is numerical; the sizes of queues running
> in a process on each of the computers) is put into a single database table
> with a column identifying which computer that row is referring to. So the
> table is on the form (computer_id, queue1_size, queue2_size, queue3_size)
> roughly.
> I've created a web page that displays a bar chart with this information.
> Each computer gets a "group" of three bars with each bar representing each
> of the queue size. In addition to the queue sizes for each computer I also
> want to display some general information not specific to any one of the
> computers (such as the total number of processes running etc).
> So now (finally) to my problem. I'm trying to get this bar chart to update
> with AJAX so that the whole page isn't refreshed every other second. For
> this I was hoping to use Django's JSON serialization but this is where I'm
> running into trouble.
> I have two model classes. One representing a row in the aforementioned table
> and another one that represents the database table containing the "summary"
> information. When the web page updates its info (does the AJAX call) I would
> like to retrieve all information that I need in a single call and update 1)
> the summary information 2) the queue status for all the workers displayed as
> bars on the web page.
> Currently I only seem to be able to serialize the summary information (which
> is just one row) or a list of the queue information. What I'd like to be
> able to do is to somehow serialize:
>  1. a single row from the summary information table
> 2. a list of queue information (each item representing the latest
> information for each computer).
> in a single "datastructure" to be sent as a JSON string over to the
> JavaScript client.
> So, if anybody can tell me whether it's possible to create a "custom"
> datastructure and serialize that over the wire as a JSON string, I'd
> appreciate it very much.

Within your view, create your "custom" datastructure in python. When
you have everything you want, (but not before) pass that to the

Waylan Limberg

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