
Could you post a traceback? Also, what database are you using?

Also also, ModelForms would help simplify your code. Check them out if you 


On Thursday, November 20, 2014 10:44:26 AM UTC-5, elcaiaimar wrote:
> I' ve seen that south is for older django versions than 1.7, I continue 
> having the same problem, I wonder if the issue will be in my views, when I 
> save all the information, please, have a look to my code:
> if 'formulariopozo' in request.POST:
>         formulario = PozosForm(request.POST)
>         if formulario.is_valid():
>             titulo = 'Formulario de pozos'
>             codpozo=request.POST['codpozo']
>             x=request.POST['coorx']
>             y=request.POST['coory']
>             tipo=request.POST['tipo']
>             cotatrapa=request.POST['cotatrapa']
>             profundidad=request.POST['profundidad']
>             cotafondo=request.POST['cotafondo']
>             material=request.POST['material']
>             materialpates=request.POST['materialpates']
>             diametro=request.POST['diametro']
>             largotrapa=request.POST['largotrapa']
>             seccionmayor=request.POST['seccionmayor']
>             seccionmenor=request.POST['seccionmenor']
>             numacometidas=request.POST['numacometidas']
>             origen=request.POST['origen']
>             observaciones=request.POST['observaciones']
>             pnt=Point(float(x),float(y))
>             xy=Pozo(codpozo=codpozo, coorx=x, coory=y, tipo=tipo, 
> cotatrapa=cotatrapa,
>             profundidad=profundidad, cotafondo=cotafondo, 
> material=material,
>             materialpates=materialpates, diametro=diametro, 
> largotrapa=largotrapa,
>             seccionmayor=seccionmayor, seccionmenor=seccionmenor, 
> numacometidas=numacometidas,
>             origen=origen, observaciones=observaciones, geom=pnt)
>             xy.save()
> I've tried to put default=None or default=Decimal('0.00') in my models.py 
> but it continues without working. I don't know what can I do
> Thank you very much
> El domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014 18:51:43 UTC+1, elcaiaimar escribió:
>> Hello everybody, I've a problem with DecimalField at Forms. I've a long 
>> form in my template and I want to left some fields in blank. I've declared 
>> these fields with 
>> *required=False*, but when I submit the form I receive this error: '*This 
>> value must be a decimal number*'.
>> I've tried to declare *blank=True, null=True* in respective fields in 
>> models.py and make a syncdb but it continues without works
>> Does somebody know how could I solve this problem?
>> Thank you very much!

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