
I don't think you need a GenericRelation unless you're using a 

Would it work to use plan model.ForeignKey instead of GenericRelation?


On Monday, November 17, 2014 12:50:09 PM UTC-5, Shaun Livingston wrote:
> Hi, 
> I have two different apps that contain classes of the same name, and using 
> a related name in a GenericRelation doesn't seem to be helping. Here are 
> the details:
> In both of the apps I have "Source" and "Variable." They're not the same 
> for either app, so I can't just create one. These apps are called "hs_core" 
> and "ref_ts." In both apps I have a class called 
> "<app_name(CamelCase)>Metadata" that has a GenericRelation to both of the 
> Source and Variable classes. So I added a related_name in order to 
> differentiate between the two in the database. It didn't seem to have any 
> effect at all. Here are some snippets of the code (I can add more if you 
> need):
> In ref_ts:
> class Source(AbstractMetaDataElement):
>     term = 'Source'
>     derived_from = models.CharField(max_length=300)
>     organization = models.CharField(max_length=200, null=True)
>     source_description = models.CharField(max_length=400, null=True)
>     def __unicode__(self):
>         return self.derived_from
>     @classmethod
>     def create(cls, **kwargs):
>         if 'derived_from' in kwargs:
>             # check the source doesn't already exists - source needs to be 
> unique per resource
>             if 'metadata_obj' in kwargs:
>                 metadata_obj = kwargs['metadata_obj']
>                 metadata_type = 
> ContentType.objects.get_for_model(metadata_obj)
>                 src = Source.objects.filter(derived_from= 
> kwargs['derived_from'], object_id=metadata_obj.id, 
> content_type=metadata_type).first()
>                 if src:
>                     raise ValidationError('Source:%s already exists for 
> this resource.' % kwargs['derived_from'])
>                 src = 
> Source.objects.create(derived_from=kwargs['derived_from'], 
> organization=kwargs.get('organization'),source_description=kwargs.get('source_description'),
> content_object=metadata_obj)
>                 return src
>             else:
>                 raise ValidationError('Metadata instance for which source 
> element to be created is missing.')
>         else:
>             raise ValidationError("Source data is missing.")
>     @classmethod
>     def update(cls, element_id, **kwargs):
>         src = Source.objects.get(id=element_id)
>         if src:
>             if 'derived_from' in kwargs:
>                 src.derived_from = kwargs['derived_from']
>             if 'organization' in kwargs:
>                 src.organization = kwargs['organization']
>             if 'source_description' in kwargs:
>                 src.source_description = kwargs['source_description']
>             src.save()
>         else:
>             raise ObjectDoesNotExist("No source element was found for the 
> provided id:%s" % element_id)
>     @classmethod
>     def remove(cls, element_id):
>         src = Source.objects.get(id=element_id)
>         if src:
>             src.delete()
>         else:
>             raise ObjectDoesNotExist("No source element was found for 
> id:%d." % element_id)
> class RefTSMetadata(CoreMetaData):
> ...
>     variables = generic.GenericRelation(Ref_TS_Variable, 
> related_name='ref_ts_variables')
>     sources = generic.GenericRelation(Ref_TS_Source, 
> related_name='ref_ts_sources')
> ...
>     @classmethod
>     def get_supported_element_names(cls):
>         # get the names of all core metadata elements
>         elements = super(RefTSMetadata, cls).get_supported_element_names()
>         # add the name of any additional element to the list
>         elements.append('Method')
>         elements.append('QualityControlLevel')
>         elements.append('Variable')
>         elements.append('Site')
>         return elements
>     @property
>     def resource(self):
>         return self._refts_resource.all().first()
>     def get_xml(self):
> ...

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