On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 6:10 AM, ThomasTheDjangoFan
<stefan.eichholz.ber...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> How would you do this? Can you give me a hint?

4 different ways:

- don't do it as a flag, add a 'defaultImage=ForeignKey(ProductImage)'
to the Product class.

- don't use False for non-default, use NULL.  since two NULL values
aren't equal, they don't trip unique restriction

- don't use True/False, use an integer to give images some priority.
#1 is default, the others get 2...n

- use a partial index (supported by PosgreSQL and SQLite), it's not
directly supported by the ORM, but you can simply add as an "ALTER
TABLE CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ProductdefaultImage ON app_productimage
(image)  WHERE is_default_image;"  at creation and forget about it.


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