Did some more testing, seems like it's completely skipping the views.py, 
and going straight to loading index.html, any way to force it to 
dynamically load?

On Thursday, November 13, 2014 9:37:27 PM UTC-6, RLF_UNIQUE wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having this weird situation where if you go to my website like this
> www.mywebsite.com
> vs like this
> www.mywebsite.com/index.html
> I'm getting different values.
> *urls.py*
> urlpatterns += patterns('',   
>       url(r'^index.html$',               views.index,               
> name='index'),
>       url(r'^$',                              views.index,               
> name='index'),
> )
> *view.py*
> def index(request):
>    home_list = Home.objects.all()[:1]                                     
>    context = {'home_list': home_list}
>    return render_to_response('index.html', context)
> *index.html*
> {% extends 'base.html' %}                                                 
>   {% block content %}
>   test
>       {% for home in home_list %}
>       {{home.description|safe}}
>       {% endfor %}
>   {% endblock %}
> when I just go to mysite.com, I only get "test", whereas when I go to 
> mysite.com/index.html, I get "test" as well as the home variable.
> It almost seems like something isn't loading in the proper order?
> Thanks
> Kyle

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