On 10/17/06, tonemcd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What I'd really like to know is how we could replicate this level of
> functionality with a django setup.

I highly, highly, highly recommend taking a look at Perlbal[1] for
load balancing. Don't let the fact that it's written in Perl turn you
off; it's from the same people who developed memcached (and who,
between LiveJournal and TypePad, have to support some truly massively
scalable setups), and is dead simple to set up and use.

I don't know much about doing MySQL replication, but PostgreSQL has
Slony[2], which is a little intimidating at first but can do a great
job of DB replication; for connection management, pgpool[3] gives you
connection pooling among multiple PostgreSQL servers, and isn't hard
to set up. It also has a form of "poor man's replication", but I
wouldn't trust mission-critical data to that when Slony is available.

So the stack ends up looking like this:

* On the frontend, however many load-balancing machines you want to
have, running Perlbal and loaded up with RAM for memcached.
* In the middle, the Perlbal boxes reverse proxy to pools of standard
servers running Apache+mod_python.
* On the backend, those servers talk (through pgpool) to pools of
database servers running pgpool and replicating via Slony.

The only other piece in the puzzle is the media server; RAID can work
for that, and if you need to read/write to the media server(s) from
the web servers you can always do NFS. More than a couple of really
smart people I know have also been looking lately into MogileFS[4],
which is an incredibly cool-looking distributed filesystem setup (and
is from the same folks who do memcached and Perlbal).

[1] http://www.danga.com/perlbal/
[2] http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/slony1/projdisplay.php
[3] http://pgpool.projects.postgresql.org/
[4] http://www.danga.com/mogilefs/

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
  -- George Carlin

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