On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 3:08 PM, Stodge <sto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a separate daemon running as root that generates cached image tiles
> per user for a map. For now it creates them under /tmp/tile_cache. When it
> creates a new tile cache it changes the UID and GID to the apache user (on
> Fedora) and also gives everyone access to the directory, e.g. permissions
> are rwxrwxrwx.
> My Django app runs under mod_wsgi using Apache. I have a Django view
> triggers a signal and the signal is supposed to delete a cache for the
> requesting user. However, the signal uses os.path.isdir and refuses to "see"
> the directory. os.path.exists fails to see the directory as well. Attempts
> to delete the directory using shutils.rmtree also fail because I assume it
> can't for some reason stat the directory.
> I have no idea why the signal can't delete the directory - can anyone point
> anything obvious out? Thanks

/tmp always has the sticky bit set, which means only the owner of a
file can remove it, regardless of permissions.



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