
On 11/05/2014 11:09 AM, Some Developer wrote:
> I'm trying to write my own implementation of the Django comments
> framework for various reasons and am wondering how one would link
> comments to a particular object (model) of another type. For instance I
> could have a ForeignKey in the Comment model pointing to a Blog post
> article but that would mean that you could only leave comments on Blog
> post articles. I want to be able to configure my Comment model so that
> it can link to any other object of any type.
> Does anyone know how to do that? I think it has something to do with the
> ContentType framework that comes with Django but I have never used it
> before so I'm not entirely sure.

I think this is what you're looking for:

However, by using GenericForeignKey you give up some valuable things:
the database can no longer enforce referential integrity on those
relationships, and joins become more complex and often slower. So I
would recommend at least considering alternatives.

One possible alternative is to instead provide the bulk of your Comment
model as an abstract base model class, and then have users of your
comment app create their own Comment model inheriting from your abstract
base, and adding a single FK to whatever model they want comments on.
(This presumes that most users of your comments app will only need
comments on a single model in a given system; or if they want comments
on more than one model, they don't mind having two separate Comment
models to handle that.)


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