On 10/27/2014 10:01 AM, Scot Hacker wrote:
> On Monday, October 27, 2014 8:58:36 AM UTC-7, Scot Hacker wrote:
>     add2virtualenv /path/to/custom/apps/directory
> And when its time to deploy, you'll need to do similar on the server,
> using an equivalent method in the wsgi definition, e.g.:
> import os, sys, site
> sys.path.append('/path/to/custom/apps/directory') 

Please don't do this. There is no good reason to add complexity to the
sys.path required for your site to run. Everything is simpler if you
have a single "root path" for all Python code in your project, and make
all import paths relative to that single filesystem location (which
should generally be the location of `manage.py`).

If you don't want to have to import from "apps.users", then just get rid
of the "apps/" directory and move all the apps in there up one
filesystem level. Django apps aren't special, they're just Python
modules; they can be placed into a logical module hierarchy just like
any other module.


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