Dear Experts,
following the indications of Collin I was able to see the extra fields I wanted 
to show in the change list view. But there's a little problem.
The character size of the labels of the readonly_fields are bigger than those 
of the printed fields so that the visual effect is that the labels and their 
relating fields don't look aligned (see the attached png file).
How can I modify the size of readonly_fields characters?

Il giorno 21/ott/2014, alle ore 19:24, Vittorio ha scritto:

> Great, it works!
> Thanks a lot Collin
> Ciao from Rome
> Vittorio
> Il giorno 21/ott/2014, alle ore 18:00, Collin Anderson ha scritto:
>> Hi Vittorio,
>> Would this work?
>> class OperationAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): 
>>    list_display = ('patient','date_of_operation') 
>>    fields = ('patient', 'patient_address', 'patient_city_zip', 
>> 'date_of_operation')
>>    readonly_field = ['patient_address', 'patient_city_zip']
>>    inlines= [DetailsInline] 
>>    order_by= ['-date_of_operation'] 
>>    def patient_address(self, operation):
>>        return operation.patient.address
>>    def patient_city_zip(self, operation):
>>        return '%s %s' % (, operation.patient.zipcode)
>> Collin

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