Dear Collin,

you hit the nail right right on top. That was it! I feel so thankful 
towards you! I would never have thought about the context processors. 

I am so thankful to everybody here in the Django User group to always 
taking the time and helping me out. I will try to give back, as soon as I 
get to be more experienced! 

I have the ADMINS setting in place in my production settings file, Collin. 
I was just trying to understand the error in my local environment first, 
since it occurred even there.

You have been helping me out quite a lot lately. Where are you located? How 
long have you been doing Django?
   Thanks again and with kind regards
         Sabine Maennel 

Am Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2014 19:22:56 UTC+2 schrieb Collin Anderson:
> Hi Sabine,
> It may be an issue with your core.context_processors.resolvermatch.
> I recommend setting ADMINS so you get the error emailed to you.
> Collin

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