On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 3:32 AM, Jon Dufresne <jon.dufre...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I'm trying to use the File Storage API to create a custom handler for
> files. Here are my goals:
> Stored files are represented both in the database and on disk with the
> following model:
> class StoredFile(models.Model):
>     name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
>     path = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
> The "name" attribute represents the filename presented to the user:
> "My document.txt". The path attribute represents the basename as the
> file exists on the disk in MEDIA_ROOT, usually created with mktemp:
> "tmpAsdf123" in "/path/to/media". The goal of this configuration:
> 1. Files are stored on disk
> 2. There are no filename collisions (duplicate names can exist but the
> paths will be unique)
> 3. Uploaded files preserve the name exactly, may be downloaded later,
> are never mangled
> 4. All files are stored in an identical manner
> You can think of "name" as an abstract user-oriented name, and path as
> the actual on disk representation.
> What I want, saving a file should save the file to path and record an
> entry for the StoredFile model. Ideally FileFields would be a FK to
> this model--currently it is a string.
> I'm having a little trouble getting started. Some issues:
> 1. FileFields store strings, would like it to be a one-to-one FK (or
> an intereger id)
> 2. Most of the storage API takes a single argument "name" Should this
> be the name as stored on disk? The name as presented to the user? The
> PK from the StoredFile model?
> Is what I'm trying to do achievable? Am I approaching the problem
> correctly?

Achievable? probably. Easy? No. You're going to be digging in the weeds on
this one.

If I were trying to do this, I wouldn't try and get this to work with the
existing FileField - I'd be writing my own Field definition. You can crib
extensively from the existing definition, but everywhere that the current
model points at it's own storage to get a filename, you use the foreign key
to get the full file name.

Essentially, it's going to be a merger of FileField and ForeignKey. I
haven't done this myself, but my gut tells me this is in the realm of the
"possible, but complicated".

The other way that might be worth looking into is to follow the lead of
GenericForeignKey. That's an example of a field that "looks" like a single
column, but is implemented as two columns under the hood. You'll be looking
to do a similar thing - write a "wrapper" field that points at the name and
path fields to produce a composite "full file path" field. That composite
field will be a lot closer to what FileField is expecting, so it might be a
little easier to merge *that* with FileField than to merge FileField with
ForeignKey. Then, you put the composite field on the StoredFile model, and
traverse down the foreign key relation whenever you need to access the file.

Of course YMMV, and if it breaks, you get to keep all the shiny pieces :-)

Russ Magee %-)

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