so I have a database of information with encrypted customer names. When I use a plain python script to decrypt the names it works correctly and decrypts all of the customer names.
However, when I used Django it will decrypt only one name and the remaining names will still be encrypted. I encrypt by salting my password key with a 256 bit sha has and then I use AES encryption on the data then i base 64 encode it and stick it into the db. Regular Python Script: def pad(string): return string + ((16-len(string) % 16) * '{' ) password = hashlib.sha256("hidmykey").digest() IV = 16 * '\x00' mode = AES.MODE_CBC decryptor =, mode, IV=IV) config_values = metering_config('VMStats',['logfile','daemon', 'pguser','pgpassword','pghost','pgport']) # postgres = psycopg2.connect(database='metering', user=config_values['pguser'], password=config_values['pgpassword'],host=config_values['pghost'], port=config_values['pgport']) pg_cursor = postgres.cursor() pg_cursor.execute("set timezone TO 'GMT'") storage_cursor_pg = postgres.cursor() customer_list = [] pg_cursor.execute(''' select customer_name, customer_id from customers''') for customer_name, customer_id in pg_cursor: data = base64.b64decode(customer_name) plain = decryptor.decrypt(data) lenofdec = plain.count('{') customer_list.append((plain[:len(plain)-lenofdec], customer_id)) this works perfectly fine. DJANGO #these are functions django views calls to decrypt the data. def pad(string): return string + ((16-len(string) % 16) * '{' ) def show_name(customer_name): password = hashlib.sha256("hidden").digest() IV = 16 * '\x00' mode = AES.MODE_CBC decryptor =, mode, IV=IV) data = base64.b64decode(customer_name) enc_customer_name = decryptor.decrypt(data) lenofdec = enc_customer_name.count('{') customer_name = enc_customer_name[:len(enc_customer_name)-lenofdec] return customer_name The actual django page: @login_required def portal(request): #define var's customer_list = [] user = request.user user_name = request.user.username user.is_superuser = check_user(user, user_name) #my own custom function to do some Active Directory stuff. if user.is_active and user.is_superuser: customers = Customers.objects.all().order_by('customer_name') else: customers = Customers.objects.get(customer_id=customer_id_filter) for customer in customers: customer_name = show_name(str(customer.customer_name)) #ive tried with and without making it a string. customer_list.append((customer_name, int(customer.customer_id))) current_month = context = Context({'customer_list': customer_list, 'user.is_superuser':user.is_superuser, 'current_month':current_month, }) return render(request, 'portal.html', context) Here is the output: as you see below ('TESTCUSTOMER', 81) is decrypted in real life that is a customer name that gets decrypted and its always the same name. However in my python script outside of django goes through them all and decrypts them. [('\xa9\xdc\xbf\x86#\x7f4\xc7\xcc\xf1q\x8f3\xe2X\xf3', 26), ('\x8a\xbc\x16\x90\r-B\x7f\xabU\x1d]\xb9M\xc5\xe3', 142), ('g\x04\xa3aMk\xe49\xb7\xba\xf2Q4\xc6\xc6\xac', 25), ("\x92\xbbqA\x0fvE\x94S}\x01|\\BX'", 41), ('\x07\x9a\xe9\xb1G\\\x8e\xa0\xbe\x83A\x86/\xe5%\xb7', 101), ('a\xf4\x88\xc0H\xd3\x87\xe1\x05\x18\xe1X\xb8\xe6\xf3\xf3', 23), ('l\xe7\x9c\xd0\x0eOz\x8d\x85\x94\xeb\xd9\x1c\xc2\x08\xc8', 38), ('\xd0&\x88,T\xe2(\xac7\xbd\xaa\x90s\x17\xec\xae', 31), ('\x15"\xf3"\xaf[*\xa8\xe0\xb0;L\xb5\x98\x1a\xef', 30), ('6\x15$\xddH\xdbw\xef\x03\xec\x8bk,\xbc2\x8a', 32), ('\x1f\xf4\x08S\x1c\xa5\xf0\x11L\x1b\xbe\xe5Cq\xea3', 28), ('\xda\x99\xd6\xa8:3bc\x96\x90u\xca\xd3\xc1|L', 22), ('\xe3*\x9d\x95\x83\x8c\xe4O\x99\x03\x12\xd4\x87\x1f\xc1\xa7', 35), (':\x8f\xbc#\x81g\xe5,fk\xca\x0b9\xca\x99&', 24), ('0 \t\xfb\xafAT\xae\x8d\x0cW\x86\xa2\xf9\x11\x8f', 21), ('\xce\xe3\x17^\xc5\xabI\x9aT\x80\xcaIm\xc4\xcaS', 36), ("tA\xe9\xe5S\x90z\xbcw'\x86\x17\x98\xab=[", 37), ("\\m\xf9e\xe9\xff\xe5X\xfa\xc9@\xc8'Jh\x81", 34), ('\x15)h\x12\x06\xc6\xfd\x86\xcd\x81\xfa\x10\xb6\xad\xbc\x9f', 121), ('TESTCUSTOMER', 81), ('\x15\x8b\x131\xd8\x1c\x04\xf7\x01\xb2\x8b\x84t\x11l\x07', 61), ('XU\xed+\xad*}\\L[M_\r$`\xc9', 141), ('l\xc7\xa3\xfc\xc6\xc3\xc5\xe6\xf3\x1ff\nq\x8d\x18"', 29), ('k\xb8/}Y\xbb\xf5\xe7`R8N(\x81pWy', 33), ('\x90\n\x07\xe8\xd2R6\x89L\xd8\xe5\x92\x95Q %', 1), ('\x92 \xad8|!\x82?\xa92\xc3\xe4\x8b7\xb4\x97', 27), ('1\xbd\x1c\xd1\xd0\xd1\xe7\x89\xa1\xcbKo\x16bW\x9e', 39)] -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to Visit this group at To view this discussion on the web visit For more options, visit