
I have started kickstarter campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/112336300/open-source-email-client-based-on-python-and-djang

The aim is to create an email client based on Python/Django which would be shared as open source. It would be easy to implement in projects and simple to develop (re-usable app).

It would also:

Be supported by Django>=1.6 and Python 2>=2.6 and Python 3>=3.3.

Use PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch.

Only support IMAP and use Imapclient (created by developers of Mozilla) which is currently the most stable library available.

Use SSE (Server-sent events) for all notifications from the server.

Have good documentation and clean, understandable code for easy implementation and further development.

Be provided with templates that are based on bootstrap 3.0.

The amount we are trying to raise - $7000- will go towards at least 320 hours of work on the project.

10% of all funds raised over the target will be donated to the DSF (Django Software Foundation).

More information, mockups, production and fulfillment plan you can find at kickstarter project page.

Thank you for your help, both in helping to publish information via fb / twitter accounts and for direct support.
Filip Kowalski
Internet Profil
www.internetprofil.pl <http://www.internetprofil.pl>
mob. 506 385 326
tel. 58 661 11 62
skype: easy-r1der
ul. Śląska 53
81-304 Gdynia
VAT EU: PL586-203-45-48

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