Op 2014-09-19T15:58:59 UTC schreef Collin Anderson <cmawebs...@gmail.com> in het bericht <Re: unicode problems in admin interface>, ID: <f2c7c2e5-9d58-4e31-a015-45eb38b0b...@googlegroups.com> interface> het volgende.
> Are you uploading a file using apache? It could be > the /etc/apache2/envvars issue. No, it is an issue with Django/admin. > Are you ever using string formatting like "something %s something" % > something ? If so, use unicode_literals or change that to a unicode > string: u"something %s something" % something models.py: "... def img(self): return format_html(u'<a href="/foto/{2}" target="_blank"><img title="{1}" height="80" src="http://glaskunst.liakoster.nl/media/img/height_80/{2}.jpg"/></a>', self.id,self.photograph) image.allow.tags = True def __unicode__(self): return self.photograph ..." Coulld it be a bug in Django 1.7? -- Jaap van Wingerde e-mail: 1234567...@vanwingerde.nl
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