On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 11:13 AM, James Schneider
<jrschneide...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Scratch that, I misread what you were trying to do, but became clear when I
> looked at your context a bit closer. You want to concatenate two strings and
> use that as the variable lookup.
> You can probably do that using a combination of the {% with %} tag and the
> 'add' filter (which works on strings too), something like this:
> {% with div=l|add:d %}
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/ref/templates/builtins/#with
> That's a L next to a pipe (|), in the event it isn't clear due to your
> variable name in the outer loop.
> You may also need to build your context slightly different, and put the
> leagues you are trying to access within their own dict rather than at the
> top level of the context since you don't know what they will be named. Then
> you can put the following under the {% with %} tag:
> {% for team in league_dict.div %}

This will not work, Django will not interpolate "div" to the value of
the "div" variable, it will look for an attribute (etc.) explicitly
called "div" on "league_dict".

It is easily doable by adding an additional template tag, usually
called something like dict_get. If you STFW, you will probably find an
implementation of it, probably from me...


It is not included in Django for ideological reasons - it is
considered better form to prepare your data correctly in the view than
manipulate it in the template.



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