On 04/09/14 Benjamin Scherrey said:

> The short answer to your question is no, the Django ORM is not inherently
> slower in that regard and it's very likely something you're doing. The

Given that it's basically

for obj in foo.objects.all():
    obj.prop = new_value

I fail to see how it's something that I am doing. The whole thing runs in a
single transaction, and the only other addition would be Django's signals. I
believe I had none registered but I'll double check.

I should note that while sqlalchemy was 48 times faster, raw sql was roughly
100 times faster.

> Impossible to give you any more specific to your particular problem without
> seeing code, of course. That said, some common issues when grabbing
> individual model instances related to a larger query are often dramatically
> improved by using select_related() or fetch_related() as appropriate. Also

There is a foreign key involved in this model, not that it is being accessed,
but I can update the query and retry.

> Otherwise here's a decent little writeup of a good approach to providing
> better access to your ORM models:
> http://www.dabapps.com/blog/higher-level-query-api-django-orm/

I'll take a look, thanks.


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