Hi, Michael--

On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 6:58 PM, Michael Carey <mpc.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have pushed the site to git and am trying to view it on git for a start.

Seeing as I'm the one who recommended Git to you, I'd better say something ...

If you literally mean 'view it on git' - though I'm not even sure what
you mean by that - it probably is not going to work. Git, or any
version control system, is just for managing your code - it has
nothing to do with running your application.

You have to run Django (e.g. 'python manage.py runserver') just as you
would on your development machine. And there are almost certainly
other steps you need to do to set up the server, but without knowing
anything about your hosting environment or about the exact steps you
have followed already, it's not possible to say much more.

It seems like either you are glossing over a lot of detail in your
questions, or you are lacking some basic knowledge of how this stuff
works. Nothing you can't learn, but if your posts are accurately
describing what you are doing, I think you're in for a lot of

I have to go make dinner, but I'll check back later. If you're stuck,
I'll see if I can point you to some helpful resources.

Matt Gushee

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