On 11/08/2014 2:01 PM, Shubham Pansari wrote:

Can you tell a bit more about the work you need. Like it is a full time
or part time, paid or unpaid. What arethe requirements that you are

I'm primarily looking for people interested in the GHS for its own sake but not (yet) as paid or unpaid employees. This includes anyone working for a chemical company because all chemical companies are interested in the GHS.

I will be open sourcing the project (working prototype) in the near future and I think chemical companies might like to have an involvement. At the least they will be observers and at most they will be contributors.

Requirements are easy to specify but not easy to fulfill. Any project, open source or otherwise, wants a lead developer and a lead UI designer as gatekeepers and a target industry which is interested enough to provide resources.

I'm hoping for a core team of half a dozen but it will depend on industry interest.



On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 5:58 AM, Mike Dewhirst <mi...@dewhirst.com.au
<mailto:mi...@dewhirst.com.au>> wrote:

    Is anyone here interested in the GHS? Or working for a large
    chemical manufacturer?

    I'm building a GHS classification system which constructs
    jurisdictionally aware SDSs. It is reaching the point where I need
    to bring others into it.



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