I have been having problem uploading image from admin and for it to deplay 
on the page

Here is my config


   1.  <img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}{{ image.image.url }}" height="100"></a>


   1. MEDIA_ROOT = '/home/yems/var/www/bluepearlhotel/media/'
   2. MEDIA_URL = 'http://www.'


   - image = models.ImageField(upload_to='images/', blank=True)

views .py

def detail_post(request, blogs_id):
        blogs = Post.objects.get(pk=blogs_id)
    except Post.DoesNotExist:
        raise 404
    return render_to_response('detailp.html', {'blogs': blogs})

from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url

from django.contrib import admin

urlpatterns = patterns('',
#new urls
    url(r'^blog/$', 'blog.views.list_post'),
    url(r'^blog/(?P<blogs_id>\d+)/$', 'blog.views.detail_post'),
 #events urls
    url(r'^event/$', "event.views.list_event"),
    url(r'^event/(?P<events_id>\d+)/$', "event.views.detail_event"),

#image urls
    url(r'^gallery/$', "gallery.views.list_gallery"),
    url(r'^gallery/(?P<gallery_id>\d+)/$', "gallery.views.detail_gallery"),

    url(r'^home/$', "home.views.list_home"),
    url(r'^home/(?P<homes_id>\d+)/$', "home.views.detail_home"),

    url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),


When i upload an image it actually upload to the right position, but when i 
open the page i shows image break

when i do inspeck element i see this

   1. <img src="" height="100"></a>

Please i need help

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