Belay the part of the post that asks about Python 2 vs Python 3 tutorial.
Had not yet found
which is the same tutorial, but written for Python 2.

Still curious about learning 1.6 and transferring to 1.7, or jumping into
the water now and saving some migration in six months or a year.


On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 2:50 PM, Ari Davidow <> wrote:

> I am new to Django, and relatively new to (well, re-learning) python.
> I am working on a website that requires a lot of bidirectional type.
> Sanity suggests that starting this off with Python 3 and all the built in
> Unicode sanity makes sense.
> The online tutorials assume Python 2. Are there equivalent tutorials for
> Python 3, and/or some explanation of where to pay attention to things that
> will be different in the context of what I'll encounter learning Django?
> Normally, I would use the existing production version of something--Django
> 1.6 in this case. Is there any reason to include the release candidate of
> 1.7 as part of my juggling learning and creating this site?
> Thanks,
> ari

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