I'm doing some query and database stuff outside of what django is capable 
of and I need some help with how I get all the values of a 
POSTED Dictionary list.

here is the POST values because im using a multiple select box that are 
send to django 
u'licenses': [u'26.0', u'16.0', u'13.0', u'166.0'],

I need to insert these licenses for the vm that was selected. Thus, I need 
to be able to get at each one and save into a list. 
However all I can seem to get to is the very last one. This has something 
to do with the way django is parsing the information.

So here is my code:
I've tried teh following:


This will output the following 

for license in selected_customer['licenses']:
>       selected_lic.append(license)

This will out put the following

Why can't i get to the rest of the data? Why does it only take the last 
value. Even if I just set a var to the selected post value it will only 
take the last one.


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