I have two models, ReqForChange(models.Model) and RfcStatus(models.Model).

class ReqForChange(models.Model):
rfc = models.AutoField (primary_key=True)
       user = models.ForeignKey(User, verbose_name="Requested by")
      status = models.ForeignKey(Status, verbose_name="RfC State")
       effectOnUsers = models.NullBooleanField("Effect", blank=True, 

class RfcStatus(models.Model):
rfcd = models.AutoField (primary_key=True)
rfcStatusDateCreated = models.DateField("Created date", 
rfc_details = models.ForeignKey(ReqForChange, 
limit_choices_to={'effectOnUsers': True}, blank=True, null=True)

In my admin page I want the user to register a new ReqForChange  and when 
the user open the RfcStatus the dropdown menu for the field effectOnUsers 
shall only display items where effectOnUsers is set to True. This do not 
work and I can't understand why? I have tried the limit_choice_to on the 
User field in the ReqForChange model, and that works fine.

I hope someone can give me a hint on how I can manage to filter values for 
my rfc_details field. I run django 1.6

Best regards,

Hilde T L Rafaelsen

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