Same for me in my personal projects and in our company, we fully switched
to django-allauth and we are quite happy


Oscar Carballal Prego - Senior Software Developer | @pizte

2014-07-23 8:15 GMT+01:00 Santiago L <>:

> El sábado, 19 de julio de 2014 02:17:24 UTC+2, Russell Keith-Magee
> escribió:
>> On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 8:31 PM, Santiago L <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Some weeks ago I noticed that django-registration is not longer
>>> maintained by
>>> its creator:
>>> quoting
>>> > django-registration
>>> > I stepped down as maintainer of this application in September 2013.
>>> Pull
>>> > requests, issues and comments sent to this repository will be ignored.
>>> As I'm currently using this app in my project, I wonder if there is any
>>> alternative for django-registration? Maybe someone knows about a fork.
>> I'm not aware of an active fork. If you're looking to step into open
>> source contribution, this would be a good project to adopt - the code base
>> is stable, so the management overhead should be relatively low.
> I like the idea about contributing and get in charge of a fork, but I'm
> not sure about my availability...
>>> Besides that, I found a related issue report (rejected because is not
>>> the good
>>> place to ask this question, but relevant anyway)[2]
>>> [2]
>>> Because there's no single answer to the question.
>> Authentication is a topic that is hard to get right, and there's a very
>> limited number of "right" answers. Passwords *must* be done well, or you
>> risk vulnerability, and what constitutes "well" requires considerable
>> expertise.
>> However, the requirements for registration and signup will vary between
>> projects, and will depend on project requirements. Some projects will need
>> a fully verified personal profile before you can continue; some only
>> require a verified email address; some will allow an email address, but
>> allow later verification, and some will require completely anonymous
>> profiles that are filled in at a critical point in workflow (e.g., at
>> checkout in an e-commerce site).
>> There's also nothing especially technically complex about these workflows
>> - unlike Authentication, there aren't any real land mines that could lead
>> to vulnerabilities (beyond those that are inherent in building *any* web
>> page).
>> So, the Django project has made the decision to keep Authentication as a
>> core piece of functionality, but keep registration as a third-party thing.
>> This means that the wider community can contribute alternate approaches. It
>> also means that the core team isn't a bottleneck on progress -
>> django-regsistration has it's own release cycles, bug tracking processes,
>> and so on.
>> This arrangement has worked well for 8 years; it's only because James has
>> stepped down and nobody has volunteered to take over that a problem now
>> exists.
> Thanks for your explanation!!
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