On Oct 12, 2006, at 12:29 PM, MerMer wrote:
> Don,
> Thanks for the advice - but it's not working for me.
> My full path is
> "c:/python24/lib/site-packages/django/bin/mysite/mytemplates" which
> works.
> I've tried "/mytemplates" and "mysite/mytemplates" as the TEMPLATE_DIR
> path but they don't.
> The {% extends "promotion_list.htmt"%} is not working even when I  
> moved
> the promotion_list template into the same directory as the child
> template.
> I'm probably making some realy rookie mistake - but I can't see it.
> MerMer

Your TEMPLATE_DIR should not have a leading '/' otherwise the system  
will be looking for a top level directory, meaning that it will treat  
it as a full path (also known as an absolute path). You should code  
it as 'mytemplates' (this is a relative path, and Django will look  
for it relative to your project folder).

On a different note, I wouldn't put my project folder into Django's  
bin folder. That folder's purpose is to store scripts used for  
maintaining Django. Nothing particularly wrong with that, but I liken  
it to storing food in my bathroom (a place for everything and  
everything in its place).


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