
my name is Martin and I'm a computer engineer from Spain. I'm going to 
start a new project with a colleague and I decided to use Django because we 
searched for free opensource tools and I'm in love with Python.

We have made a couple of tutorials (the official one and "Tango with 
django"). I've also bought the book "Two scoops of Django" for the 1.6 
Django edition. We're starting the project soon as well as we finish the 
design, but I'm concerned about setting up the new environment. We're 
thinking of using:

   - postgresql
   - Python/Django [ of course ;-) ]
   - Eclipse/Pydev
   - Git
   - jQuery

I've been reading the Greenfield/Roy book and some web sites and I want to 
set up the environment with good practices by using virtualenvwrapper, 
virtualenv, pip, the requirements.txt files and so on.
I have made some mix for all this, but I would be grateful if someone could 
confirm us if we are on the right way, give us some advice or maybe tell us 
where on the internet we can find a good way of doing all this.

My preview for the whole setting up is next:

   1. We should start the installations by installing "sudo apt-get install 
   virtualenvwrapper" . If I understand correctly, this installs virtualenv 
   as well as an embedded pip.
   2. The virtualenv must be created ("virtualenv env") in the parent 
   directory of the Eclipse workspace, I suppose. This is one point of 
   confusion to me. I don't know either if I have to activate this every time 
   I come back for developing resuming the work from days before. I completely 
   understand that later from Eclipse I will give the python path inside the 
   virtualenv, but don't know if must activate the virtualenv every time.
   3. Next step would be to install all the things we need (django, pillow, 
   psycopg2) using a requirements.txt file. "pip install -r requirements.txt
   4. We should create the new django project with a python django-admin.py 
   5. Now I don't know if we should link the project to an already 
   installed version of Eclipse or run the "git init" first. I understand 
   that Eclipse and Git don't need to be installed inside the virtualenv. In 
   fact, I've been reading and it seems that Eclipse can work OK just by being 
   given the path inside the virtualenv where the python executable is 
   located. I've also read that some people used to make different workspaces, 
   but configuring the paths should be enough 

>From here I would just upload to github or bitbucket, maybe doing the whole 
thing from Eclipse would be easier. But the integration with Eclipse when 
we made tangowithdjango tutorial was the difficult point, because there is 
no option for importing a django project from Eclipse (Kepler version last 
time). We found easier to create the project from Eclipse, but we were not 
using a virtualenv for the tutorial.

I haven't used virtualenv before, so it's our second main obstacle, but I 
expect it will be easy when we get used to it (^_^) .

Please could someone help with some piece of advice, pros and cons of every 
option. Just don't want to do something now I will regret in future.

Thank you veeery much in advance.

PS: Some links visited:

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