On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 4:44 AM, Neto <paulosouzamac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys, I need a help here:
> settings.py
>     TIME_ZONE = 'America/Sao_Paulo'
> view.py:
>         task = Task.objects.get(id=id)
>         task.start = request.GET['task_start']
>         tarefa.save()
> Terminal:
> RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField Task.start received a naive datetime
> (2014-07-21 07:39:14) while time zone support is active.
>   RuntimeWarning)
> What is it? Any solution?

Somewhere you are producing a naive datetime instead of a TZ aware
datetime. Find the offending place, and fix it. A good way to find the
place is to run python with -Werror ("python -Werror manage.py"). This
will turn warnings in to errors, and your program will crash when it
encounters the warning, giving you a stack trace detailing exactly
where and how you produced a naive datetime.

Fixing it, 90% of the time this means replacing "datetime.now()" with
The other 10% of times the datetime is coming from somewhere else,
determine what TZ the naive datetime is being produced in, and use
"timezone.make_aware()" to make it a non naive, TZ aware datetime.

Full docs on TZ support functions in django:




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