i have a problem with my urls it keeps breaking

here is my url

*from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, urlfrom django.contrib 
import adminadmin.autodiscover()#from blogs import viewsurlpatterns = 
patterns('blogs.views',    url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),    ## 
news updates    url(r'^blogs/', 
include('blogs.urls')),                           url(r'^blogs/$', 
'news_list'),    url(r'^blogs/(?P<blog_id>\d+)/$', 'news_detail'),  This 
second url is not executing which i cant understand why   )*

when i type on the browser it give me the links to the 
list of blogs title which i inputed in the admin area.

when i now click on the links for it to out put the blog content it breaks 
and keeps giving me this error.

*Page not found (404)Request Method:    GETRequest URL: the URLconf defined in BP.urls, Django 
tried these URL patterns, in this order:^admin/^blogs/ ^blogs/$^blogs/ 
^blogs/(?P<blog_id>\d+)/$^blogs/$^blogs/(?P<blog_id>\d+)/$The current URL, 
blogs//, didn't match any of these.You're seeing this error because you 
have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Chang*

here are the views for the two urls

*def news_list(request):    news= Post.objects.order_by('-pub_date')[:5]    
template = loader.get_template('index.html')    context = 
RequestContext(request, {        'news': news,    })    return 
HttpResponse(template.render(context))def news_detail(request, blog_id):    
post = Post.objects.get(slug=blog_id)    context = {'post', post}    return 
render_to_response('news_details.html', context, 

Please i need some help

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