On 12/10/06, MerMer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As a follow on.  Can I:-
> Combine all three templates by using inheritance between the templates.
> Unfortunately, I haven't been able to test this yet - because I can't
> get the "extend tag" to work (see other post).    I am assuming that it
> won't work because of the following. Could someone confirm that this is
> right.
> 1.  The URL points to the View, which in turn points to a child
> template.
> 2.  The view sets the context for the child template so that the child
> template is filled with with the correct data.
> 3.  The child template extends the parent template.  However, I don't
> see how the parent template calls a view (isn't this the role of the
> URL?),  so the parent template cannot be populated with dynamic data
> from a seperate view.   Is this right?
> I'm struggling to get the bigger picture.  It would be really helpful
> if the tutorial had a slightly more complex example, which showed how
> to create templates which draw data from different tables.

Two things that I'd do. If it's a one off that you'll want to have a
list of stuff in these models then just make a view. Otherwise I would
recomment writing an inclusion tag for the tempatating system for each
model. Information about inclusion tags can be found here

> MerMer
> >

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