
the {{j.i}} can not work as you expect. If i understand you correctly
you would like to do something like getattr(list, i) in the template.

In order to do this you have 2 possibilities:

1) Write a custom template tag like this

2) Prepare the data in the view so that you can iterate over it more easily:

result  = []
for i in info:
  for j in list:
    result.append(getattr(j, i))
return render(request, 'display.html', {'result': result})

{% for r in result %}
{% endfor %}

2014-06-25 22:33 GMT+02:00 Saloni Baweja <salonibawej...@gmail.com>:
> I'm building a small app that at first displays the form containing the
> checkboxes and asks the user to select one or more of them and then displays
> the name of only selected ones.
> This works fine. Now, I want to display the data only corresponding to the
> fields that the user has checked or selected. This creates problem as I'm
> not able to fetch the attributes or objects from the list object named '
> info ' since it is list of unicode strings like [u'name', u'marks'] . In
> display.html {{ j.i }} is not being fetched as  ' i ' isn't an object but
> unicode string whereas ( when tried in shell ) j.name, j.marks fetches the
> information marks and name being objects or attributes.
> Templates :
>  # form.html
> <form action='/info/display' method="get">
> <p><input type="checkbox" name="info" value="name"> Name </p>
> <p><input type="checkbox" name="info" value="roll_no"> Roll No. </p>
> <p><input type="checkbox" name="info" value="branch"> Branch </p>
> <p><input type="checkbox" name="info" value="session"> Session </p>
> <p><input type="checkbox" name="info" value="marks"> Marks </p>
> <p><input type="checkbox" name="info" value="backlog"> Backlog </p>
> <p> <input class="button"  type="Submit" value="Submit"> </p>
> </form>
> # display.html
> You selected for : {{ nothing }}
> {% for i in info %}
>   {% for j in list %}
>    <p> {{ j.i }} </p>
>   {% endfor %}
> {% endfor %}
> {% if error %}
>   Please select atleast one field.
> {% endif %}
> # views.py
> def index(request):
>       return render(request, 'index.html')
> def display(request):
>    list = Student.objects.all()
>    if 'info' in request.GET:
>        info = request.GET.getlist('info')
>        return render(request, 'display.html', { 'info': info, 'list':list })
>    else:
>        return render(request, 'display.html', {'error': True,
> 'nothing':'nothing'})
> --
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