I have a similar problem, though I am using PostgreSQL 8.1.3).

I run a unittest that creates a bunch of records against the database,
all of it using django and the model API.

This runs fine the first time, but shows the following stack trace on
subsequent runs.

It seems to hit the problem at the  very
first instance it is querying the database,  on my second run of
 This could be from an unfinished transaction from the first run,
though, again, I don't
explicitly do any transactions.

I have to drop my DB, and reload all my data to clear the error!

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/nara/ws/juglr/trunk/juglr/common/group/unittest.py", line
116, in ?
  File "/home/nara/ws/juglr/trunk/juglr/common/group/unittest.py", line
95, in u nittest
  File "/home/nara/ws/juglr/trunk/juglr/common/group/unittest.py", line
46, in f ake_groups
    curlen = len(Group.objects.all())
line 100, in __len__
    return len(self._get_data())
line 430, in _get_data
    self._result_cache = list(self.iterator())
line 170, in iterator
    cursor = connection.cursor()
copg2/base.py", line 47, in cursor
    cursor.execute("SET TIME ZONE %s", [settings.TIME_ZONE])
psycopg2.ProgrammingError: current transaction is aborted, commands
ignored unti l end of transaction block


Michael Radziej wrote:
> Greg Plesur schrieb:
> > So that's a work-around that I can use, but...is it okay behavior?  That
> > seems pretty broken.  Is it possible that Django's DB connection has
> > auto-commit off, but explicitly calls COMMIT internally on save()
> > operations when there's no Django-level transaction in play?
> Looking at it like a database does, at least in theory,
> everything happens in a transaction. auto-commit is only an
> illusion ... or the database is broken in a fundamental way.
> Django probably does start a transaction somewhere, I don't know.
> Try to trace your session and you'll see.
> Within the normal server http transactions, you don't get this
> error. I have not seen it before. There are some settings in the
> transaction documentation that might be worth playing with if it
> gets in your way. Usually, it does not ...
> And, this turned out to be a really interesting question ;-)
> Michael

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