Hello everybody,

I've fallen in love with Django two years ago and I've been using it for my 
job projects. In the past I found very useful information in this group, so 
a big thank you guys!

I have a little doubt.
I have to import in Django db (sqlite for local development, mySql on the 
server) about 1.000.000 xml documents.

The model class is the following:

class Doc(models.Model):
    doc_code =  models.CharField(max_length=20, unique=True, 
primary_key=True, db_index = True) 
    doc_text = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) 
    related_doc= models.ManyToManyField('self', null=True, blank=True, 
db_index = True) 

>From what I know bulk insertion is not possibile because I have a 
ManyToManyField relation.

So I have this simple loop (in pseudo code)

for each xml:
   extract from the xml  date-> mydoc_code, mydoc_text, myRelated_doc_codes

   myDoc = Doc.object.get_or_create(doc_code = mydoc_code)[0]
   myDoc.doc_text = mydoc_text
   for reldoc_code in myRelated_doc_codes:
        myRelDoc =  Doc.object.get_or_create(doc_code = reldoc_code )[0]
        myDoc.related_doc.add(myRelDoc )


I'm doing it right? Do you have some suggestions, recommendation? I fear 
that since I have 1.000.000 docs to import, it will take a loooot of time, 
especially during the get_or_create routines

thank you in advance everybody!



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