Hi there,
since all have already mentioned Fabric, take a look at Ansible which
is a bit more sophisticated tool, but can be used efficiently even for
small setups.

Depends on your requirements, you can create simple "deployment"
playbook, which just takes your code, push it to the server, update
database, static files (and/or locales) and restarts wsgi. However,
if you need to setup whole server, Ansible is perfect tool for that.
But that would be beyond the scope of this question.


Dne Sat, 7 Jun 2014 16:50:58 -0400
Chen Xu <xuche...@gmail.com> napsal(a):

> I am building a django website, and wondering what is an easy way to move
> all of my code to production, is there a tool for doing that, or maybe
> write my own script?
> Thanks

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