I have installed both oscar and mezzanine apps into the same project. I was 
able to see both working when isolated from the other.

oscar requires TEMPLATE_DIRS to have a custom location:

import oscar
    os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "templates"),

When oscar.OSCAR_MAIN_TEMPLATE_DIR is defined, it stops mezzanine from 
working, because oscar's base template is used for everything. Commenting 
out oscar line, enables mezzanine to work.

I checked and default loader order is:
)   u'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader',
which explains this behavior.

I changed the loader order to:
and that stopped oscar from working, when TEMPLATE_DIRS is defined with 
both lines.

So, I am kind of confused how to address the issue. I know that in the long 
run I 'd like to use only one base.html for the entire site, but in the 
short run I'd like to see both working using their own default templates.


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