Hi Lloyd,

The card won't be debited until the campaign completes, which was over the
weekend; I'm guessing that means the bank wouldn't have processed anything
until Monday, and as with all bank things, it might take a day or two to
show up in statements.

The actual shirts should have gone into production on Monday as well, and
generally ship within 2 weeks. US deliveries take 7-14 days from end of
campaign; international take 14-21 days.

Russ Magee %-)

On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 8:13 PM, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube <zebr...@gmail.com>

> Hey Russell,
> I placed an order for a small tee, but I see my card has not been debited
> in my bank statement? When do they get charged/ shipped?
> Thanks,
> Lloyd
> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 2:17 PM, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube <
> zebr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Russell,
>> Thank you! I really appreciate you bringing the campaign back :)
>> Kind regards,
>> Sithu
>> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 1:35 PM, Russell Keith-Magee <
>> russ...@keith-magee.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Sithu,
>>> Good news! It turns out you weren't the only person to have problems
>>> placing an order, so we've re-opened the campaign for one last run to make
>>> sure everyone who wants a shirt can get one. You can place your order here:
>>> http://teespring.com/django17-v2
>>> You have until the end of May.
>>> Yours,
>>> Russ Magee %-)
>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 7:03 PM, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube <
>>> zebr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Russell,
>>>> Thank you for the feedback. I'm hoping that others may show interest so
>>>> that the campaign could be re-opened. I will be watching this closely :)
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Sithu
>>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 2:39 AM, Russell Keith-Magee <
>>>> russ...@keith-magee.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Sithu,
>>>>> Unfortunately, we can't add orders once the campaign is closed - this
>>>>> is one of the features of TeeSpring as a fund raising method.
>>>>> We *can* relaunch the campaign, but that campaign would be independent
>>>>> to the original. It would have its own sales target, its own closing date,
>>>>> and so on.
>>>>> The lowest we can set the sales target is 20 shirts. I know there are
>>>>> about 6 other orders out there from people who missed the deadline; if
>>>>> there's any other interest out there (speak up in a reply if you're
>>>>> interested), we might consider reopening the campaign for a week.
>>>>> Yours,
>>>>> Russ Magee %-)
>>>>> On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 11:58 PM, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube <
>>>>> zebr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> To Whom It May Concern,
>>>>>> I am devastated that I could not place an order for one of the new
>>>>>> Django 1.7 tees. Now that I am ready to go, the campaign has ended on the
>>>>>> merchant website.
>>>>>> May I please place an order for one? I'd dearly like a memento of
>>>>>> this milestone release. Pretty please? Size=small :)
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Sithu Lloyd Dube
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>> Regards,
>> Sithu Lloyd Dube
> --
> Regards,
> Sithu Lloyd Dube
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