
I'm writing authentication templates using authentication views provided by 
Django, and for that purpose I am reusing translation messages present in 

That works very well at the execution time, Django understands that 
translation messages already exist in django.contrib.admin and display them 
in the requested language (French in my case).

My concern is that "django-admin.py makemessages -a" command doesn't 
understand just as well and it creates those translation messages again in 
my auth app's locale files. But I don't need them, or at least commented as 
#fuzzy. Is it the normal behavior of that command or am I doing wrong ?

Below is the example with the message "Reset my password":

In django.contrib.admin locale files:


#: templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:21
msgid "Reset my password"
msgstr ""


#: templates/registration/password_reset_form.html:21
msgid "Reset my password"
msgstr "RĂ©initialiser mon mot de passe"

In my password_reset template of my auth app:

- auth/templates/auth/password_reset.html:

*{% load i18n %}*

<input type="submit" value="*{% trans* "Reset my password" *%}*" />

In my auth app's locale files after typing "cd path/to/myproject; cd auth; 
django-admin.py makemessages -a":

- auth/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po:

#: templates/auth/password_reset.html:36
msgid "Reset my password"
msgstr ""

- auth/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po:

#: templates/auth/password_reset.html:36
msgid "Reset my password"
msgstr ""

Here my settings:

- myproject/settings.py:



    ('fr', _('French')),
    ('en', _('English')),


USE_I18N = True

USE_L10N = True

USE_TZ = True

Here my config:

- Mac OS X 10.9.2
- python 2.7.6
- gettext 0.18.3 (installed via homebrew)

Thanks for your help.


Selenite Vingt-Neuf

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