The functions reverse and reverse_lazy are useful for figuring out the 
paths from labels. If you or someone else changes the urlconf in the 
future, your app uses the new paths without difficulty.

If you have in your

url(r'^home/$', views.home, name='home'),
url(r'^specifics/(?P<poll_id>\d+)/$', views.detail, name='detail'),

Then in your you have:

print reverse('home')
# prints /home/

print reverse('detail', args=[12])
# prints /detail/12/

As for render_to_response, it is still there and everybody still uses it.


On Thursday, May 29, 2014 3:46:21 AM UTC-7, joy wrote:
> Good morning everyone, i was using django as of django 0.9 and now i'm 
> looking again in the tutorial and i have to say that a lot has changed. I 
> undestand che basics (even if i cannot understan why in the tutorial they 
> use the context and doesn'use any more "render_to_response") but however 
> what i cannot understand is che function "reverse" which is used in the 
> views, what is its use? San you explain it to me while i'm going through 
> the tutorial again to understand? Thank you. Agnese 

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