Looks like you're getting a handle on django.
You're not using Class Based Views, but you import generic.  Since you're 
getting familiar with django, you *might* want to hold off on delving into 
CBVs.  They're very powerful and can reduce coding, but can be difficult to 
wrap your head around.  

Once you've created your app with functions, then perhaps go back and wrap 
'em in CBV's.  CBV's have a lot of power, but while learning the basics, 
sticking with functions can be a lot less assimilate all at once.

In your template, you have CSS at the bottom. CSS is typically linked in 
the <head></head> section.  I suppose most web browsers today are okay 
either way.  Javascript/jquery is typically near the end of the html, as 
you have it.

I wish w3c/html5 spec'd tags for <css></css> and <script></script> 
locations.  Javascript more than css links seem feel sloppy to me, ahh 
well, it is what it is.

Next, I suspect you might want to work on a base.html and working with 
{{include's}}.  It's a fairly easy concept to grasp and some of the beauty 
of django's templating.  I wouldn't recommend delving into custom template 
tags yet, but it's good to know they exist.

You're template is not complex, being familiar with partials is an easy way 
to keep it *simpler.*


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