also thank you so much for your help.

On Monday, May 12, 2014 4:00:27 PM UTC-6, Tom Evans wrote:
> On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 10:47 PM, G Z < <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > I'm just trying to associate each vm tied to the customers id and 
> display 
> > the vms under the customer that are associated with his id. 
> > 
> Normally, you would have some sort of relationship between those 
> models, and the template code would look something like this: 
> {% for customer in customers %} 
> {% for vms in customer.vms_set.all %} 
> <div>{{ }} - {{ vms.NAME }} - {{ d.VMNAME }}</div> 
> <!-- etc --> 
> {% endfor %} 
> {% endfor %} 
> Please note, even if you are using a legacy database, there is no need 
> for the model's fields to have the same name as the table column. All 
> caps normally denotes a constant, these are not constants, and 
> "VMNAME" is less pleasant to look at than "virtual_machine_name" or 
> even "vm_name". 
> One other thing, your view, you should be actually calling the 
> function "all()", not passing the function object "all": 
> def index(request): 
>        customers = Customer.objects.all() 
>        ctx = { 'customers':customers } 
>        return render_to_response('index.html', ctx) 
> Note the brackets, and you no longer need to pass in 'vms' either, as 
> it should come from the relation. 
> If this doesn't work, please show your models. 
> Cheers 
> Tom 

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