
Ticket created at, with 
hopefully enough references and elements to make an educated choice.



Le jeudi 1 mai 2014 02:12:56 UTC+2, Russell Keith-Magee a écrit :
> On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 7:13 PM, < <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hi !
>> I am implementing DKIM validation for my emails.
>> I noticed than some emails do not pass DKIM validation due to different 
>> body hashes.
>> I followed the email flow, and found that postfix automatically truncates 
>> lines to 998 characters if they are too long (in accordance to 
>> Such emails can be generated by Sentry, by my own apps, etc..
>> Now about Django:
>> When using EmailMessage, the charset is utf-8, and 
>> the Content-Transfer-Encoding is either 7bit or 8bit (automatically changes 
>> between them when the body contains non-ASCII characters).
>> cf the ticket where the developers decided to switch from base64 to this 
>> behaviour :
>> Quick validation with:
>> >>> from django.core.mail import EmailMessage
>>> >>> print EmailMessage('subject', 'body', 
>>> >>> '<javascript:>', 
>>> [' <javascript:>']).message().as_string()
>>> MIME-Version: 1.0
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>> Subject: subject
>>> From: <javascript:>
>>> To: <javascript:>
>>> Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 11:01:44 -0000
>>> Message-ID: <20140430110144.1564.85693@localhost>
>>> body
>> So at the moment, because Django says not to use base64 for utf-8 emails 
>> in its code, Django does no longer make sure that the lines are not too 
>> long, despite the RFC.
>> I see 3 ways to make sure that the lines are not too long :
>>    - automatically split lines in a way that can be recognized by email 
>>    readers (no idea how to do that properly..) (in Django/in the apps) 
>>    - go back to base64 (but it seems to increase spam scores)
>>    - switch to quoted-printable (functioning code below, no idea of the 
>>    potentially negative impact)
>> from django.core.mail.message import utf8_charsetfrom email import Charset
>> utf8_charset.body_encoding = Charset.QP
>> What do you think ?
>> Is Django code / app code the correct place to fix this ?
> I'd say so. EmailMessage et al are the end user's public interface to 
> sending mail. If a user can use our API to generate a non-RFC compliant 
> mail, then that's a bug. Even if the root cause of the bug lies in a deeper 
> layer (e.g., Python's email library), we should do everything we can to 
> provide a workaround so that end users aren't affected.
> Should Django respect the RFC ?
> Absolutely. Django shouldn't expose a public API that makes it possible to 
> generate non-RFC emails payloads; furthermore, if there's any defacto 
> standards or common practices that make an email unacceptable on receipt 
> (e.g., the problem with base64 encoding getting flagged as spam), we should 
> be adhering to that, too.
>> Any other ideas ?
> It sounds like you've found a problem; this should be logged as a ticket 
> so it isn't forgotten. If you want to try your hand at a patch, the help 
> would be most welcome.
> I'd need to do some more reading about the right solution; Quoted 
> Printable might be workable, but I'm also not aware if that will have any 
> downstream consequences. Some investigation will be required. The only 
> option I can rule out is moving back to base64, because that was done for a 
> reason. Unless you can validate that base64 encoding is no longer penalized 
> by popular spam services, this isn't an option.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

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