Hello Javier

also thank you for your answer. However i do know how to implement such a 
long running task for a customer.
I generaly use celery and send out an email with a link on completition of 
such a task. For simple tasks i use just a cronjob. Most of those jobs run 
on an separeate machine normaly.

The question is more related to gevent und unicorn. I'd like to understand 
what tasks/aktions can run in paralell when using gevent in gunicorn.
Lets say there are some calls inside the app that return just some 
calculated values from db. Those calls need something about 200-300 ms to 
complete and doing nothing else than reading values from db and calculating 
some results and presenting them with an django template.
I'm running 6 to 8 workers in gunicorn. If i understood the meaning for 
using gevent correctly, the app should be able to serve more that 8 current 
connections, right? Except if there are calls inside the app that block GIL 
(what seems to happen for xhtml2pdf), which seems to block the gunicorn 

I did not change anything on the django app till now. I thought gunicorn 
would monkypath everything on startup. I'll probably have to investigate 
some time here ...

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