Hi. select_related is used for folloing foreign keys. So if u have, say, 
product and its producer field in it u can do smth like: 
Product.objects.select_related('producer') and in ur templates accessing 
product.producer won't hit the database.
Notice that here we have a relationship where only one producer can be 
ralated to product. But you obviously can't do it when you have multiple 
objects attached to one.
What you really need is 
Producer.objects.prefetch_related('review_set', 'comments_set') will 
populate product.review_set.all() and product.comments_set.all() for you.

четверг, 1 мая 2014 г., 17:22:52 UTC+4 пользователь Andreas Bloch написал:
> Okay, I'm a little confused here about using select_ralated...
> Can you only run select_related on a table that HAS a foreign key not a 
> table that IS a foreign key?
> What if I want to go: 
> SELECT * FROM product LEFT JOIN review on product.id = review.product_id 
> LEFT JOIN comments ON product.id = comment.product_id
> example models.py
> class Product(models.Model):
>     name =
> class Review(models.Model):
>     product = models.Foreignkey(Product)
>     rating =
> class Comments(models.Model):
>     product = models.Foreignkey(Product)
>     text =
> In my templates I want to be able to loop through all reviews and comments 
> for each product without hitting the database multiple times...
> How can you achieve this?

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