I think this would be facilitated if the FormWizard possessed a 
confirmation step. There is a ticket open on this exact feature


Em sábado, 12 de abril de 2014 14h28min01s UTC-3, Brad Rice escreveu:
> I'm using a Class based Generic Detail View to show end users their 
> answers to previous mulit-page forms. How can I use that final detail view 
> to validate the answers? Should I not be using a Detail view or can I 
> somehow do a conditional get to the next view based upon those answers? 
> Right now I just have a link to the next page where they can submit all 
> their answers from the forms. If they haven't filled out a field, I want to 
> take them back to the form they need to go to to fix that. All it does on 
> that final page after the datail is set a true value in the db that they 
> are done updating their application form.

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