It seems Defining the ManufacturerModelSerialiser thus has solved the 
problem (which backs up my last mail I think). Its not entirely what I 
wanted but it at least gets me down to just doing the 1 Query as I 
originally intended, 1 query is always better than 4000 odd! 

class ManufacturerModelSerialiser(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
    Manufacturer = serializers.Field(source='Manufacturer.Name')

    class Meta:
        model = ManufacturerModel
        fields = 

On Friday, 11 April 2014 15:01:22 UTC+1, Javier Guerra wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 8:31 AM, Conrad Rowlands 
> < <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > As you can see the queryset is loading all from the database.... What I 
> > would prefer to be able to do is to share the first queryset from the 
> > ManufacturerModelViewSet (which should have all of the correct fields) 
> with 
> > the ManufacturerViewSet. I'm guessing this could be achieved by 
> overriding 
> > get_queryset in my ManufacturerViewSet though I don't know what to do 
> from 
> > there? 
> first, you shouldn't use ManufacturerModel.objects.all(). in your 
> get_queryset(), it should call the superclass' defintion and add the 
> select_related() to it: 
> def get_queryset(self): 
>         return super(ManufacturerModelViewSet, 
> self).get_queryset().select_related() 
> but in this case i guess the result is the same.  It's just more 
> flexible this way.  It also helps to factorize it away in a mixin 
> class as I suggested initially. 
> the queryset returned by this method isn't used as-is; it's first 
> passed to the filter_queryset() method. 
> second, if you're talking only about one specific URI that is handled 
> by ManufacturerModelViewSet, then it doesn't matter what you have or 
> not in other viewset (ManufacturerViewSet); you could even delete it 
> and it should still work the same. 
> to see if it's possible to avoid the second query, first you have to 
> know which part of the view requests it.  a big help on this is the 
> DjangoDebugTollbar.  it works perfectly with the RestFramework API 
> browser. 
> Of course, if you're using the browser, remember that it can do extra 
> queries to build the user-friendly HTML.  those extra queries don't 
> pass through your viewset methods, so it's unlikely they would respect 
> the filters. 
> to see what queries you do in production mode, set the logging config 
> to report all queries to console or logfiles. 
> ( 
>  or make the DB server itself log all queries. 
> -- 
> Javier 

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