
You should start with the basics:
You are using request.FILES and that is for file upload, no file download. 
To upload a file to the server, you must have a <input type="file" ...> in 
your template, which you don't have.

To download files from the server to the browser (to the user computer), 
you should do:
or, if the user uploaded the content:

Hope this put you in the right direction.


On Monday, March 31, 2014 1:31:24 AM UTC-4:30, Choro H wrote:
> Hello,
> i wan to do download file of a checkbox ;
> Please help me
> this is my viewspy:
> def export_selected_dataqq(request):
>     if request.method == 'POST':
>         _selected_action = request.FILES("_selected_action")
>     response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/vnd.ms-excel; 
> charset="Shift_JIS"')
>     response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=file.csv'
>     writer = csv.writer(response)
>     _selected_action = []
>     writer.writerow(_selected_action)
>     for obj in _selected_action:
>         row=[]
>         for field in User._meta.fields:
>             row.append(unicode(getattr(obj,field.name)).encode("cp932"))
>         writer.writerow(row)
>     return response
> this is mmy html:
> <table >
>         <thead>
>             <tr>
>                 <th>Check</th>              
>                 <th>名前</th>
>                 <th>会社名</th>
>                 <th>法人電話</th>
>             </tr>
>         </thead>
>         <tbody>
> {% if articles.count > 0 %}
> {% for user in articles %}
>         <tr>
>         <td ><input class="action-select" name="_selected_action" id 
> ="_selected_action" type="checkbox" value="{{user.id }}" type="submit" 
> class="button"></td>
>         <td ><a href="/articles/get/{{ user.id }}/">{{ user.user_name  
> }}</a></td>
>         <td >{{ user.company }}</td>
>         <td >{{ user.number }}</td> 
>         </tr>
> {% endfor %}
> </tbody>
> </table>
> </form>
> {% else %}
>     <p>None</p>
> {% endif %}

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