Hi guys,

I wanted to talk about the 
ticket https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/7231 in the django-dev forum, 
but my contribution was just deleted, so I'm posting it here to at least 
get a chance for a discussion.

One argument of the core devs in the ticket is that extra is a bad thing to 
have, only there because it was there before raw() came. I think that this 
is wrong, for example when you want to have all the power of the filters 
and the sortings but still be able to make complex queries that the ORM 
can't handle in a decent time.

And I think that the ability to add join to extra would be a great plus. 
For example in the admin, you may want to display the number of foreign 
keys for each row, and eventually, two different counts. Two counts as 
annotate returns wrong results, where as the possibility to add something 
like the following resolves the problem and reduces dramatically the query 
time (by factor 120 in my case).

LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT COUNT(*) AS "devices_count", 
"accounts_venuedevice"."venue_id" FROM "accounts_venuedevice" WHERE 
"accounts_venuedevice"."enabled"=true GROUP BY 
"accounts_venuedevice"."venue_id" ) AS "enabled_devices" ON ( 
"accounts_venue"."id" = "enabled_devices"."venue_id") 

On the other hand, having to add the filters and the sorting by hand to the 
RawQuerySet is a pain in the ass.

Even if extra joins shouldn't be used for production code, it could be very 
helpful for some edge-cases like for the admin interface.


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