Hmm. That is a good point. If there is little difference, then I suppose
I'll blame buildout.

$ bin/django print_time
before test
command has been run

That is A difference of 7 seconds, significantly better.

$ strace bin/django print_time 2> cmdtrace
cat cmdtrace | wc -l
$ cat cmdtrace | grep 'open(' | wc -l
$ cat cmdtrace | grep 'stat64(' | wc -l
$ cat cmdtrace | grep 'read(' | wc -l
$ cat cmdtrace | grep 'fstat64(' | wc -l
$ cat cmdtrace | grep 'close(' | wc -l
$ cat cmdtrace | grep 'ENOENT (No such file or directory)' | wc -l

There are still almost as many files being sought for and not opened
however. I suppose that means that failing to find a file on disc is
actually not that costly.
The difference between running a command and running a test also suggests
that either:
1) Linode disc performance varies throughout the day and is better outside
buisiness hours? Nope.
before test
nosetests --verbosity 1 match_mentors -anow -s
To reuse old database "test_02_06_18_29" for speed, set env var REUSE_DB=1.
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
test has begun

2) A significant portion of the time is spent in the other imports that I'm
doing in that test file. I should have broken it out and ran that test.
I'll do that now.
before test
nosetests --verbosity 1 match_mentors -anow -s
To reuse old database "test_02_06_18_29" for speed, set env var REUSE_DB=1.
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
test has begun
That is still 37 seconds, so it is almost certainly something in the test
discovery process.
I suppose this means that digging up and mapping out the piping that runs
through nose <>,
the django test-discovery code, and is in order. I suppose that
will build character.

*Andrew Farrell*
Software Engineer *|* MassChallenge, Inc.
1.888.782.7820x720 *|*
ONE Marina Park Drive *|* Boston, MA 02210

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On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 8:45 PM, Tom Evans <> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 8:52 PM, Andrew Farrell <>
> wrote:
> > Привет Djanonaughts!
> >
> > tl;dr: django with buildout spends a lot of time looking for files that
> > aren't there when trying to do imports. How can I reduce this?
> (I did read :)
> The first thing that springs to mind is test discovery. I may be way
> off track, an easy way to test (other than read all the code/know
> already) would be a simple django management command that spits out
> the time. Comparing the time difference for that operation compared to
> when running a test should size the costs of starting django
> environment versus starting django environment and finding a specific
> test.
> Cheers
> Tom
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