Thanks will experiment.

On Friday, 14 February 2014 16:18:53 UTC, C. Kirby wrote:
> You can try using the @never_cache decorator on the view that captures the 
> page view
> from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache
> That should instruct safari not to cache the page.
> Sometimes that won't work due to how browsers respect the headers. You can 
> also try the decorator:
> from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_control
> @cache_control(no_cache=True, must_revalidate=True, no_store=True)
> On Friday, February 14, 2014 5:55:03 AM UTC-6, Andrew Taylor wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been working my way through the tango with django tutorial, which 
>> I have to say I have found to be excellent. 
>> There is one section (above link) whereby you track the number of times a 
>> url has been clicked. This is done by publishing links to an internal url, 
>> and routing that through a track/redirect view which converts and redirects 
>> to the real url and increments the page views at the same time.
>> However, safari was doing this on an inconsistent basis but seemed to 
>> work when the browser was first opened. After debugging this for a while I 
>> concluded the problem was not the code but my safari browser. It occurred 
>> to me that safari does this weird caching thing where you can go 
>> back/forward through pages immediately. On switching to Chrome the page 
>> counts increment as expected. I have tried setting 'disable caches' in the 
>> Develop menu in safari to no effect
>> Can someone with more experience than me explain why I am seeing these 
>> effects, and what a real world cross-browser solution to tracking page 
>> views would be?
>> The relevant code is below:
>> 1. Track/redirect view:
>> *def* track_url(request):
>>     context = RequestContext(request)
>>     page_id = None
>>     url = '/rango/'
>>     *if* request.method == 'GET':
>>         *if* 'page_id' *in* request.GET:
>>             page_id = request.GET['page_id']
>>             *try*:
>>                 page = Page.objects.get(id=page_id)
>>                 page.views = page.views + 1
>>                 url = page.url
>>             *except*:
>>                 *pass*
>>     *return* redirect(url)
>> 2. The internal url published in template:
>> {% if pages %}
>> *<ul>*
>>     {% for page in pages %}
>>     *<li>*
>>         *<a* href="/rango/goto/?page_id={{}}"*>*{{page.title}}
>> *</a>*
>>         {% if page.views > 1 %}
>>             - ({{ page.views }} views)
>>         {% elif page.views == 1 %}
>>             - ({{ page.views }} view)
>>         {% endif %}
>>     *</li>*
>>     {% endfor %}
>> *</ul>*
>> {% else %}
>> *<strong>*No pages currently in category.*</strong><br/>*
>> {% endif %}
>> Thanks,
>> Andy

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