On Sun, 9 Feb 2014 02:15:46 -0800 (PST) Glyn Jackson
<m...@glynjackson.org> wrote:
> So far I have moved this logic around so many times, but where should
> it really be happening in my Django project? Opinions very much
> welcome. Thanks
> 1) product  *pre_save* - this works really well but validation looks
> odd here!
> 2) product  *model save()* - again validation looks odd here!
> 3) product *model manager *- this seems bad as I'm referencing the
> stock model in product manager.
> 4) *views* - I end up repeating the save validation and code looks
> really bad, also I have to do it again for API and normal views
> 5) *tastypie recourse* - just as bad as views I think.

Model! If its validation and 'save' should stop if there is none in
stock, its either a pre-save-trigger or on your own save-method before
calling super(...).save(). Be aware that if you subclass your product,
a pre-save trigger has to get connected to all derived classes too, so
it might be easier to just add it to the save-method.

The advantage is clearly that the same code is used for all views. And
api-resources are a view too (or a controller but lets not discuss
thie here).

- Arnold

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